e|net, the private company which manages the State’s regional fibre networks, welcomed the publication of the Governments Next Generation Network (NGN) plan which underlines current and future policies regarding its NGN strategies including regulation, spectrum licensing and direct government action.
Conal Henry, CEO of e|net commented, “e|net is encouraged by the Department’s timely announcement and its continuing commitment to make broadband universal in Ireland and in its predictions that by 2012, Ireland’s broadband speeds will be equal or greater than comparative EU regions. e|net is proud to be in a position to support these goals.”
While the plan suggests that any future NGN deployment will be private sector lead there is reference to targeted government action in terms of the one stop shop model, whereby state-owned fibre is aggregated and maximised to facilitate broadband connectivity on commercial terms.
Conal Henry explained e|net’s position on the one stop shop, “We believe that that best mechanism is to bring all state-owned fibre together and link them to the MANs, creating a next generation fibre network.”
A final decision on the structure of the one-stop shop is expected later this summer.