Over 85% of Cork’s IDA jobs linked to local Metropolitan Area Network

Press release
29th Aug 2014


In the 2004-2013 period, the IDA announced a total of 6,820 jobs for Cork based in FDI firms and 5,824 (just over 85%) are in companies that are connected to the local MAN.

enet CEO, Conal Henry, said that the Cork data is an outstanding example of the positive impact the MANs are having on industrial development and job creation in the regions. “The MANs programme was originally developed to bring greater platform competition for the delivery of telecoms in regional Ireland. You have to remember that when the MANs were launched, they addressed the problems with the single supplier monopoly that had previously existed by creating a completely alternative network. Importantly, the MAN are operated in an open access fashion, meaning that all telcos can have access. This model is contrary to the exclusive way that traditional operators’ networks functioned and allows for competition in a way that had not previously happened.”

Leo Clancy, Divisional Manager, ICT, IDA commented, “High speed broadband connectivity is as important as water, light and heat for modern businesses. The progress made by the industry in ensuring that we have widespread high quality broadband available to multinational companies investing here has contributed strongly to Foreign Direct Investment growth.”

The MANs programme was also undertaken to ensure that provincial cities and towns would secure a greater share of the overall amount of foreign direct investment being won for Ireland by IDA Ireland. “While the MANs do not directly create these FDI jobs, they certainly enhance the capacity of the cities and towns with these fibre broadband networks to compete for these projects and remove any telecoms barriers. The success of this strategy is dramatically underlined by the performance of the Cork MAN, which is also the largest of the 88 MANs in the country”, Mr. Henry added.

The MANs programme includes networks across 94 different regional cities and towns.