e|net is delivering fibre to businesses across the country through the Metropolitan Area Networks Programme. This was one of the key messages delivered by Conal Henry, CEO of e|net, speaking at the National Broadband Conference in Galway today.
“Businesses in Ireland are getting access to fibre through the MANs and this technology can revolutionise the way companies operate. No only can they avail of broadband but companies can choose radically different ways of doing business using this technology. Speaking recently Sean Dorgan of the IDA pointed to the fact that broadband availability is not hampering Ireland’s ability to attract inward investment, and the MANs are a major part of delivering on that.
“With the implementation by the Irish Government of the MANs, 27 towns across Ireland, from Gweedore in Donegal to Cork in the South West, have fibre networks and ultimately there will be 108 towns and cities across Ireland connected.”
Businesses who wish to locate in Ireland can access state of the art services using the MANs and this was one of the issues raised at the National Broadband Conference and Expo, taking place in Galway today, as part of e-Galway Week.
The event features a number of sessions on topics such as e-Government, and e-education, as well as contributions from a number of the key service providers.
e|net is sponsoring the event and providing the technical expertise to facilitate the demonstrations in the Expo area.
e|net was established in 2000 to promote balanced regional development by tackling the regional broadband deficit. The company manages 27 Metropolitan Area Networks, on a wholesale basis, across the country.