enet Announces “Down Syndrome Ireland” as Partner Charity For 2012/13

Press release
01st May 2012


enet has today announced Down Syndrome Ireland as its Partner Charity for 2012/13.

Down Syndrome Ireland is dedicated to being the primary source of information and support to people with Down syndrome, their families as well as the professional community. The charity has over 3000 member families with 25 branches nationwide.

On making the announcement, enet CEO, Conal Henry said, “enet are delighted to partner with Down Syndrome Ireland and are looking forward to working with them over the coming twelve months. We know that they do great work for a great cause and we want to support them in whatever way we can.” Henry went on to say, “While we have been fairly active in supporting charities and the local communities, this is the first time that we have actively chosen a partner charity. The whole team is excited and hopefully our fundraising efforts throughout the year will make a real difference in people’s lives”.

Pat Clarke, Chief Executive of Down Syndrome Ireland commented, “We are absolutely thrilled that enet has chosen Down Syndrome Ireland as the charity they are going to work in partnership with this year.  We are very happy that they are going to help raise enough funds to support an Early Development Programme in our Limerick Branch.”

Down Syndrome Ireland has grown from modest beginnings in 1971 into a truly national organisation. It is the biggest single group concerned with the welfare of people with a learning disability in Ireland.